Saturday, January 28, 2017

First Post :)

This is my first post on my newly created arts and crafts blog. I look forward to creating and sharing new things every month and with any luck at all....every week :)

I am a firm believer in creating with Recycled, Reused, Repurposed items which is why you will usually find me capitalizing any three r's I can, it's a little reminder to self and to any who follow me of how important it is to reuse what we can to lessen our detrimental impact on the planet.

Of course, like most any other crafter, I love all the new creative things available that are much like candy to a child. New goodies are what rekindle my creative process over-and-over-again.

So, before we begin this journey together let me stipulate a couple of things right up front.
  • I am perfectly imperfect and so is my work; I believe it adds to the charm and the handmade quality that is desired by many people not looking for cookie cutter designs.
  • Fine art teaches rules: you must learn the rules before you can break them, but they are to be broken whenever you can.
  • Art has no "right" answers, it is a journey of creativity and exploration. If the finished piece says what you want it to, it is a success. If it doesn't, then you have the opportunity to decide why not and to change it or to recycle it and start over.
  • Soul-to-soul-communication is what I enjoy and I love it when my work speaks to someone's heart and they feel a momentary connection to me. I think that is what it's all about.
  • Crafting is not fine art, but it is a close cousin. One that I think affords more freedom and play.
  • Perfect should be out of your vocabulary, this is about sheer joy, not perfection accomplished. Perfectly imperfect is our key word here :)

So here's to a creative journey shared and hopefully multiplied.
